
*** Currently under construction ***

We’re updating these pages at the moment.

Presentations, Keynotes, Workshops, Trainings, Hosting Panels, Moderation, Mediation – in IT, Security, Open Source and more… This is where you will soon find Markus’ offers and references.

In the meantime, maybe you want to check out the blog roll … or read some Klingon Lorem Ipsum: 

nIb quvmoH chaw nuQ pIqaD way mIQ SeHlaw tungHa’ taS, ghor jatIh wanI’ pab wuv qugh ghoma’ jIv. Saqghom mupwI’ betleH bey’ ghem lupDujHom van Dub neb qaywI’ loghqam van, ghob pegh noD muH run Do Qe’ tlhay’ chor bargh nuQ, HISlaH vIng yuQHom choba’ Qol nIb mIQvaD van. SIbI’ ghoma’ HaD wanI’ qaywI’ toq roS vulqan, tlham yIt voQ Hoqra’ SIm Qaw, maj ‘eb qIvon HIch DIj puq poH.

So qeq nuH loghqam ‘ov yIt qImHa’, pegh qumwI’ matlh janluq pIqarD Saj ray’, chor bargh to’waQvaD He pegh. taH Hurgh nem SoSbor’a’ Qan lIghongan SIbI’ jey’ ‘eSpanya Hoqra’ meQ, chergh tengchaH van chergh may’ Huj nagh DIr qorgh SIm. maj poQ poj woj chor bargh betleH bey’ lev maj nISwI’ HIch jIj, chaj Dum poQ qegh vemmoH lengwI’ ghubDaQ Hurgh, neSlo’ He leH ghew baQ yIt rejmorgh.