Author: mfeilner
#Pyrocene The Age of the #Megafires
There’s a British saying that fire is a good servant but a bad master. But in Australia, with its unique vegetation and climate, fire can also be a terrifying predator. Like all good predators, it remains hidden until it’s ready to strike, so even in this fire-plagued year, most Australians have not seen the flames that lurk in the forest, taking life seemingly at random. But many have smelt its stench. Sometimes we wake at night to thickening smoke, and lie there wondering where the beast is prowling. Some mornings we peer out the window and decide that it is not a safe day to be outside.
Rapid Permafrost Collapse Is Underway, Disintegrating Landscapes And Our Predictions
The shape of water: What water molecules look like on the surface of materials
Ein cent pro Liter. So billig ist das. Shell bietet Kompensation für Sprit – Kritik von Experten – DER SPIEGEL
Man muss nur wollen. Man müsste nur wollen.
#UHC2030 – Global Universal Healthcare by 2030 – with 4% of the nation’s spendings
It’s possible, and we are getting closer:
“The Financing Alliance for Health (FAH) is a partnership that includes GlaxoSmithKline, the World Bank and Rockefeller Foundation. It helps governments design and fund affordable and at-scale primary health systems and has developed a Community Health Financing Compendium that brings together different ways of funding UHC. One of the alliance’s key arguments is that “traditional donor support” is no longer enough to build strong health systems, but instead this type of investment should be a catalyst to bring in private and public resources and develop new partnerships.”
APELL is an association of the national Open Source Business Associations @osballiance
APELL is an association of the national Open Source Business Associations @osballiance, @cnll_fr and @cossfi. @OpenForumEurope will be Advisory Member. We will soon release detailed information and how you can join and collaborate, stay tuned!
— OpenForum Europe (@OpenForumEurope) January 31, 2020
Google open-sources the tools needed to make 2FA security keys | Engadget
#WorldEconomicForum #Davos2020 #HowToSaveThePlanet
Definitively worth watching entirely. There is still hope. A new hope. Keep on fighting, pals.
Forging a Sustainable Path Towards a Common Future | DAVOS 2020 – YouTube
#WorldEconomicForum #Davos2020 #HowToSaveThePlanet Forging a Sustainable Path Towards a Common Future | DAVOS 2020
The dramatic dismissal of a landmark youth climate lawsuit might not close the book on that case
The SELF DELUSION – Social and Applied Ecology
Make airlines and oil firms pay for tree-planting boom, says UK report | New Scientist
A Potent Greenhouse Gas Was Supposed to Be Eliminated. But Something Is Wrong
#wagthedog? Albanien: Das ″kleine teuflische Land″
It is done. Now I know we have arrived in tjw WTD parallel universe. Unbelievable.
“Want to know what climate change will do in your backyard? There’s a dataset for that”
Pinpointing climate impacts
Climate-change projections are typically available at coarse scales, ranging 70-400km. But models for the impact of climate change for many agricultural plant varieties require data at finer scales. The researchers used techniques to increase the spatial resolution (a process known as downscaling) and to correct errors (a process known as bias correction) to create high-resolution future climate data for 436 scenarios.
“This is a critical resource for modeling more realistically the future of crops and ecosystems,” said Carlos Navarro, the lead author of the study who is affiliated with CIAT and CCAFS.
#climatecatastrophy #RupertMurdoch – the worst actor in the game of betrayal
Reality update: Rupert Murdoch: Der gefährlichste Mann der Welt – Kolumne – DER SPIEGEL … :
“Die westlichen Demokratien scheinen unfähig, die Klimakrise zu lösen. Das liegt auch daran, dass Wähler vielerorts seit Jahrzehnten von Medien belogen werden. Schuld daran ist vor allem ein sehr reicher Greis.“
#climatecatastrophy Bork beetles now are killing Mammoth trees, too
Reality update: ‘This is not how sequoias die. It’s supposed to stand for another 500 years’ | Environment | The Guardian … :
“‘This is not how sequoias die. It’s supposed to stand for another 500 years’“
#climatecatastrophe How US pesticide industry is killing the world.
Reality update: The Pesticide Industry’s Playbook for Poisoning the Earth … :
“That’s why Europe banned the insecticides.
But in the United States, documents reveal, a sophisticated information war kept them on the market.“
A wearable gas sensor for health and environmental monitoring
Bill Gates: “Die Welt wird immer besser” – und nach Trump “kommt die Wahrheit zurück”!
Bill Gates macht eine erstaunliche Vorhersage zur Ära Trump – Business Insider
„Diese Ereignisse – so schlimm sie auch waren – sind im Kontext eines größeren, positiven Trends geschehen“, schreibt Gates. „Insgesamt wird die Welt besser.“
Einige der Punkte, die er als Beispiele aufzählt, sind:
- Ein drastischer Rückgang der Sterblichkeitsrate von Kindern unter fünf Jahren. Seit 1990 hat sich die Zahl halbiert und hat 122 Millionen Kindern das Leben gerettet.
- Ein dramatischer Wandel bei der Bevölkerungszahl, die in extremer Armut lebt. Ware es im Jahr 1990 noch ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung, ist es heute nur noch ein Zehntel.
- Ein enormer Anstieg der Anzahl der Kinder, die weltweit eine Schule besuchen: Mittlerweile können das 90 Prozent aller Kinder.
- Gesetze, die Homosexuelle schützen, sind nun in mehr als 100 Ländern in Kraft. Weltweit werden Frauen zunehmend in öffentlichen Ämtern besetzt.