#ClimateEmergency in the EU

European Parliament has declared Climate Emergency. A strong but symbolic act as long as the Merkels, Trumps and Johnsons don’t act appropriately. More On Twitter: European Parliament declares #ClimateEmergency)

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/27/climate-emergency-world-may-have-crossed-tipping-points

Make yourself heard, start your own petition:

Local government campaigns – Climate Emergency Declaration

Local governments can play a critical role in achieving a nation-wide climate emergency response. Our ultimate aim is a national declaration of climate emergency with its ability to unlock all the required policy changes and funds for a rapid climate emergency mobilisation, but local councils have started the ball rolling by demonstrating successful climate emergency initiatives at the local level.

Study: Our universe may be part of a giant quantum computer

But, the more Yurov and Yurov explored the “many interacting worlds” (MIW) theory that says all quantum functions manifest physically in alternate realities (the cat is dead on one world, alive on another, and dancing the Cha Cha on another, etc.), the more they realized it not only makes sense, but the math and science seem to work out better if you assume everything, the universe included, has quantum features.


#toldyouso. Coal industry knew about #climatecatastrophy already in the sixties.

The Coal Industry Was Well Aware of Climate Change Predictions Over 50 Years Ago

A rediscovered journal from the 1960s reveals the coal industry has understood the dangers of human-caused climate change for over 50 years, and may constitute the earliest known evidence of such fateful insider knowledge.


#DIEPARTEI – sie ist sehr gut. Und ernsthaft.

Ich finde die Veränderungen bei DERPARTEI sehr gut und hilfreich. Nico ist ja auch eher in die Richtung unterwegs. 

Martin Sonneborn bei phoenix persönlich (22.11.19) – YouTube

Ist Martin Sonneborn ein Aufklärer, ein Kämpfer gegen ein korruptes System? Oder zerstört er die Demokratie, weil er sie lächerlich macht? Seit 5 Jahren sitzt Martin Sonneborn im Europäischen Parlament und treibt manche seiner Kollegen zur Weißglut. In “phoenix persönlich” erklärt Martin Sonneborn, dass er seinen Stil geändert hat: weniger Klamauk, mehr Inhalte und Politik.


The end of the age of reason. #facebook

Reality update: Read Sacha Baron Cohen’s scathing attack on Facebook in full: ‘greatest propaganda machine in history’ | Technology | The Guardian … :

It’s as if the Age of Reason – the era of evidential argument – is ending, and now knowledge is delegitimized and scientific consensus is dismissed. Democracy, which depends on shared truths, is in retreat, and autocracy, which depends on shared lies, is on the march. Hate crimes are surging, as are murderous attacks on religious and ethnic minorities.