Natural born killers 25 years later. Stone knew.

 Natural Born Killers at 25: the problem with Oliver Stone’s hit film | Film | The Guardian … :

America is a sick place, Stone suggests, with maniacs like Mickey and Mallory as the symptom of illness. And the perverse affliction of homicidal celebrity hasn’t gone away in the quarter-century since Stone mounted his demented satire. The phenomenon of mass shootings, a frightening new concept when the “trenchcoat mafia” at Columbine first sparked an ongoing debate in 1999, is now common enough that we can’t keep track of them all. We’ve fully given up on the “don’t print the killer’s name” principle; Rolling Stone devoted the July 2013 cover to a Jim Morrison-esque portrait of Boston bombing culprit Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and caused an outcry echoing Stone’s sentiments from a couple decades earlier. On paper, his vision should seem more prescient now than ever.