How our Attention industry corporations kill our creativity and inspiration

I’m just digging in Tristan Harris’ Videos. There are some interesting ones that I’d like to spread to make people more aware about how much life quality they loose by the hours they spend online every day. “I don’t know a more urgent problem these days.”, he says. I may do, but this is really scary. “Sometimes the most important problems are right underneath our noses.”

Tristan used to work for Google and later founded the Center for Humane Technology and Truth about Tech.

1) Tristan Harris – How Social Media and AI Hijack Your Brain – YouTube

“Tristan Harris, founder of the Center for Humane Technology and pioneer of the Time Well Spent movement, is here to address the controversial topic of how our minds are being swindled into rampant screen and social media addiction, and to expose the intelligent forces behind the scenes that have intentionally served up the internet’s most addictive drug in an effort to get rich.”

2) Tristan Harris: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day | TED Talk

“A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris. From Facebook notifications to Snapstreaks to YouTube autoplays, they’re all competing for one thing: your attention. Harris shares how these companies prey on our psychology for their own profit and calls for a design renaissance in which our tech instead encourages us to live out the timeline we want.”

3) Tristan Harris Says Tech Companies Have Opened Pandora’s Box – YouTube

“Tristan Harris, former Google design ethicist, discusses changing Silicon Valley’s culture and the fight against online extremism with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.””

Disclaimer: I’m still watching, I only came across his stuff this morning, but so far I really like it. 

“The Decline and Fall of the Zuckerberg Empire”

A 6,000-word report published in the New York Times last week disclosed in humiliating detailthe lengths to which Facebook has gone to protect its dominance and attack its critics. As various interlocking crises concerning hate speech, misinformation, and data privacy widened, top executives ignored, and then kept secret, evidence that the platform had become a vector for misinformation campaigns

Over the past year, I’ve spent time trying to wean myself off tech mega-platforms, generally with little success. Google’s search, for all my complaints, is still the best way for me to navigate the internet; Amazon is still so unbelievably convenient that the thought of quitting it exhausts me. But I logged out of Facebook more than a year ago and have logged back in fewer than a dozen times since. Checking Facebook had been a daily habit, but it also hadn’t improved my life or made itself necessary. Not many Roman plebes would have said that about the Pax Romana. Some empires fall because they’re invaded from the outside or rot from within. Zuckerberg’s could be the first in history to collapse simply because its citizens logged out.

4 Billion Euro GDPR Case Filed Against Facebook et al

#DSGVO #:GDPR:  Max Schrems files first cases under GDPR against Facebook and Google … :

Three complaints worth €3.9 billion were filed in the early hours of Friday morning against Facebook and two subsidiaries, WhatsApp and Instagram via data regulators in Austria, Belgium and Hamburg. Another complaint worth €3.7 billion was filed with French data protection authority France CNIL in the case of Google’s Android operating system for smartphones.

You can and should support Max Schrems and NOYB (None Of Your Business) on their website:


Reposting, because important: How the internet big 4 control our emotions and why they should be broken up

I know I have already posted this before, but this is important: Scott Galloway: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions | TED Talk … :

The combined market capitalization of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google is now equivalent to the GDP of India. How did these four companies come to infiltrate our lives so completely? In a spectacular rant, Scott Galloway shares insights and eye-opening stats about their dominance and motivation — and what happens when a society prizes shareholder value over everything else.

How a little-known Canadian company created an election software platform marketed by Cambridge Analytica

Gizmodo tells the story of a batch of sources being published that might have a sever impact not only on Brext… : AggregateIQ Created Cambridge Analytica’s Election Software, and Here’s the Proof … :

Discovered by a security researcher last week, the files confirm that AggregateIQ, a British Columbia-based data firm, developed the technology Cambridge Analytica sold to clients for millions of dollars during the 2016 US presidential election. Hundreds if not thousands of pages of code, as well as detailed notes signed by AggregateIQ staff, wholly substantiate recent reports that Cambridge Analytica’s software platform was not of its own creation.

Facebook: The AI-powered dystopia. Time to realize!

Zeynep Tufekci: We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads | TED Talk

“We’re building an artificial intelligence-powered dystopia, one click at a time, says techno-sociologist Zeynep Tufekci. In an eye-opening talk, she details how the same algorithms companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon use to get you to click on ads are also used to organize your access to political and social information. And the machines aren’t even the real threat. What we need to understand is how the powerful might use AI to control us — and what we can do in response.”

How Facebook is killing democracy – all the facts so far has a nice overview of the Facebook/Cambridge story so far. This story is full of links to the first-hand sources: How Facebook is killing democracy … :

A Cambridge Analytica executive explained: “There are two fundamental human drivers … hopes and fears … and many of those are unspoken and even unconscious. You didn’t know that was a fear until you saw something that evoked that reaction from you. Our job is … to understand those really deep-seated underlying fears, concerns. It’s no good fighting an election campaign on the facts because actually it’s all about emotion.”

Fined 2 trillion? Seems like Facebook has a problem.

Reality update: The FTC Is Powerless to Regulate Facebook Right Now. Ask Chuck Schumer Why. … :

The consent decree authorizes the FTC to fine Facebook $40,000 per violation per day; if applied to 50 million users, the potential exposure equals at least $2 trillion. This is likely not limited to Cambridge Analytica, as Facebook’s policies on third-party developers acquiring user data are famously weak. “We had no idea what developers were doing with the data,” said former Facebook operations manager Sandy Parakilas to The Guardian. Plus, Facebook routinely provides this kind of “social graph” information — likes, friend connections, and other data — to advertisers. Surveillance is effectively Facebook’s business model.

Facebook/Cambridge Analytica: When will the mainstream understand?

Reality update: This whole story about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica is not about a data breach, no. It’s the business model. It’s Facebook’s business model, and it has always been.

Facebook: is it time we all deleted our accounts? | Technology | The Guardian … Yes it is. Or let’s hear Mark Zuckerberg himself, in 2004:

“People just submitted it … I don’t know why … They ‘trust me’ … dumb fucks.”