Category: Things I Read
Behind the Scenes of a Radical New Cancer Cure – Scientific American Blog Network
“As she remembers it, the doctor went through the timeline of what happened for 10 minutes, explaining how Birzer became sicker and sicker, before Johnson interrupted with the thought splitting her world in two: “I need you to tell me whether she’s alive or dead.”
Birzer wasn’t dead. But she was far from okay. The ordeal began with Birzer speaking gibberish…”
#BCI devices change the brain’s wiring (german study)
Reality update: Können Gedanken das Gehirn verändern? | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft … :
“Die Wirkung eines sogenannten Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI, Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle) beruht darauf, dass die bloße Vorstellung einer Handlung schon messbare Veränderungen der elektrischen Hirnaktivität auslöst. Diese Signale können ausgelesen und über maschinelle Lernsysteme in Steuersignale umgesetzt werden, die zum Beispiel einen Computer bedienen oder auch eine Prothese bewegen können. In einer jetzt veröffentlichten Studie zeigen Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften Leipzig, der Staatlichen Universität von Navarra und der TU Berlin, dass nach nur einer Stunde Training mit einer Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI) signifikante Veränderungen im Gehirn der Probanden auftraten – das Training mit dem BCI hat also auch unmittelbare Rückwirkungen auf die neuronale Struktur und Funktion des Gehirns.“
The Myth of the Nazi War Machine | Notes On Liberty
#POTUS Pantsless Grampa. #Trump. #WhiteHouse
Reality update: Anonymous tell-all book likens Trump to ’12-year-old in air traffic control tower’ – report | US news | The Guardian … :
““It’s like showing up at the nursing home at daybreak to find your elderly uncle running pantsless across the courtyard and cursing loudly about the cafeteria food, as worried attendants tried to catch him,” the author writes, according to the Post. “You’re stunned, amused, and embarrassed all at the same time. Only your uncle probably wouldn’t do it every single day, his words aren’t broadcast to the public, and he doesn’t have to lead the US government once he puts his pants on.”“
Spenden auch Sie an #DIEPARTEI – damit #AFD und #CSU den kurdischen Halbmond unterstützen!
Reality update: Sonneborn: „Wenn Erdogan mit 3 Millionen Flüchtlingen droht, drohen wir mit 3 Millionen Türken.“ – Sputnik Deutschland … :
(alles aus dem Oktober 2019)
Das spannende daran ist wieder mal das deutsche Parteienfinanzierungssystem. Weil die PARTEI nicht alles an Förderung/Finanzierung durch Spenden ausreizt, gehen den anderen Parteien Einnahmen flöten, jedes mal, wenn jemand spendet. Die Einnahmen wiederum spendet die PARTEI ganz legal und legitim an bedürftige Organisationen. Damit #AFD und #CSU eine Freude haben. Richtig so!
So unterstützt:
“„Die CDU den Kurdischen Roten Halbmond mit 30 Cent, die SPD ebenfalls, die Grünen spendieren 10 Cent, die FDP 8 Cent, Seehofers irre regionale Splitterpartei und Die Linke je 7 Cent, und auch die verfickte AfD gibt ihren Senf dazu: 5 Cent.“
„Die Partei“ nutzt die Ansprüche, die sie gegenüber der „unseriösen“ Parteienfinanzierung hat, nicht aus. Deshalb führt jeder zusätzliche Euro, den die Partei im Rechenschaftsbericht 2019 an Spendeneinnahmen ausweist, im Jahr 2021 zu einer Ausschüttung von rund 96 Cent an Sonneborns Partei. Da die Parteienfinanzierung gedeckelt ist, werden demzufolge 96 Cent weniger an die anderen Parteien ausgeschüttet.“
Und weiter hier:
“Die Spendenaktion musste die Partei allerdings einstellen. Der Haken an der Parteienfinanzierung ist, dass die Partei das Geld, was sie nun als Spende an den Kurdischen Roten Halbmond vorstreckt, erst im Jahr 2021 zurück bekommt. Die Leute sollten nun keine Spenden mehr schicken, sonst würde die Partei pleite gehen.”
#DSGVO : Wo ist sie denn, die Abmahnwelle? Bisher gab’s nur Strafen zu Recht.
… Und Silicon Valley beneidet uns um diesen Level von Verbraucherschutz. Yeah.
Immobilienkonzern: Deutsche Wohnen muss Millionenstrafe zahlen | ZEIT ONLINE
Russia Has ‘Oligarchs,’ the US Has ‘Businessmen’ | FAIR
Late Show host Stephen Colbert (7/20/17) defined “oligarch” as “Russian for ‘rich guy don’t ask where his money came from.’” (“Oligarch” actually came to English from Ancient Greek.) To be fair, Colbert joked about the selective use of the term—explaining that “over there, the political system is controlled by wealthy elites who buy influence and pull strings of the government, whereas in America, we speak English.”
And when a politician like Bernie Sanders suggests that these oligarchs influence the media, senior editors react angrily, claiming he is “ridiculous” and a “conspiracy theorist.” What a strange country the US is—an oligarchy without any oligarchs
Physics worth more to EU economy than retail and financial services, says study | Science|Business
All Saints Battle. Not known much in Germany. Worst American defeat in a battle ever. Probably
Amazing. “The First Vietnam”. “German Verdun”, Interesting I never heard of that. 56000 killed on US side? Probably not, but it’s a crazy meme. And a crazy story about hell’s forest.
You enter Germany Hürtgenwald – der lange Krieg am Westwall 1/2 – video dailymotion
T4 and Gekra: Industrial Nazi Holocaust Killings Started in Regensburg (German)
Amazing. I wonder if there is any aspect in European history where this city was not involved … Read this article about how the first large-scale deportation of soon-to-be eradicated humans took place in Regensburg. Crazy. Sad. And even worse that there are humans again today that keep using the same speech, the same hate and the same threats. Sad.
Als der Tod Pfleger in Regensburg war » Regensburg Digital
“Es ist der 4. November 1940. Mehrere graue Busse der Gemeinnützigen Krankentransportgesellschaft (Gekra) verlassen die Regensburger Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Karthaus-Prüll. Das Ziel der Gekra-Busse ist das oberösterreichische Schloss Hartheim. Für die Insassen des ersten T4-Transportes von Regensburg aus ist es eine Reise in den sicheren Tod. Historisch betrachtet ist die Aktion T4 der Beginn der Massenvernichtungsindustrie im 3. Reich.”
CV2 is on its Way, And It Will Be Ugly.
“The unconfirmed report named a 33-year-old CIA analyst as the purported whistleblower, although mainstream media outlets have declined to disclose the name after his attorneys warned that they have received death threats targeting their client. Republican lawmakers have reportedly repeatedly attempted to get the whistleblower’s name on record at impeachment hearings in hopes that it will be released publicly. (Salon has made the decision not to publish this person’s name, although it will no doubt soon be in the public record.)”
#CampCentury – a city under the Greenland Ice
Reality update: The Secret Base Greenland Base of Project Iceworm – YouTube … :
“The Secret Base Greenland Base of Project Iceworm”
Reality update: Access to the Greenland Ice Cap at Camp TUTO … :
“Many types of motorized transportation were tried on the ice cap. One technique was a train made up of a driving unit that had diesel engines driving two electrical generators. The electrical power was sent to sixteen 40-horsepower electric motors on the wheels of four trailer units. The wheels had tubeless rubber tires 10.5 feet (3.15 m) in diameter. This train could load at Thule Air Base and travel on the road to Camp TUTO and then out onto the ice cap, which was a big advantage over sleds. The train could haul 100,000 pounds (45,000 kg) of supplies up to 15 mph (24 km/hr). Unfortunately, the tires slipped and slid on the ice too much for safety and control, so were abandon for the sled trains.”
Elektroantrieb. Hybrid, mit E-Motoren in den Rädern…!
Reality update: Access to the Greenland Ice Cap at Camp TUTO … :
Reality update: Camp Fistclench – Wikipedia … :
“Camp Fistclench (Fist Clench) was a U.S. Army research camp on and inside the Greenland Ice Cap 200 miles (320 km) east of Thule Air Base. It was in use from 1957 to 1960. It served to prototype techniques used at the much larger Camp Century.”
Reality update: Camp_Century_layout_plan.png (1596×2018) … :
Facts from #TheExpanse’s Names
Kittur Chennamma – Wikipedia … :
“Kittur Chennamma (23 October 1778 – 2 February 1829)[1] was an Indian freedom fighter and Rani of the Kittur, a former princely state in Karnataka. She led an armed force against the British East India Company in 1824 in defiance of the doctrine of lapse in an attempt to maintain Indian control over the region, but was defeated in the third war and died imprisoned. The one of the female rulers to rebel against British rule (earlier first indian queen velu nachiyair madurai), she has become a folk hero in Karnataka and symbol of the independence movement in India.”
“Caliban (/ˈkælɪbæn/ KAL-i-ban), son of the witch Sycorax, is an important character in William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. His character is one of the few Shakespearean figures to take on a life of its own “outside” Shakespeare’s own work:[1] as Russell Hoban put it, “Caliban is one of the hungry ideas, he’s always looking for someone to word him into being … Caliban is a necessary idea”.[2]”
“Rocinante (Spanish pronunciation: [roθiˈnante]) is Don Quixote’s horse in the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. In many ways, Rocinante is not only Don Quixote’s horse, but also his double: like Don Quixote, he is awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities.[1][2]”
Pinus contorta – Wikipedia … :
“Many populations of the Rocky Mountain subspecies, P. contorta subsp. latifolia, have serotinous cones. This means that the cones are closed and must be exposed to high temperatures, such as from forest fires, in order to open and release their seeds.[27] The variation in their serotiny has been correlated with wildfires and mountain pine beetle attacks.[28]”
“Serotiny is an ecological adaptation exhibited by some seed plants, in which seed release occurs in response to an environmental trigger, rather than spontaneously at seed maturation. The most common and best studied trigger is fire, and the term serotiny is often used to refer to this specific case.”
“A tachi (太刀) was a type of traditionally made Japanese sword (nihonto) worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan. Tachi and katana generally differ in length, degree of curvature, and how they were worn when sheathed, the latter depending on the location of the mei, or signature, on the tang. The tachi style of swords preceded the development of the katana, which was not mentioned by name until near the end of the twelfth century; tachi are known to have been made in the Kotō period, ranging from 900 to 1596.“
Extinction Rebellion: We Need To Talk About The Future
Rocket launchers against shoplifters? Doesnt matter, wrong house anyhow. We’re sorry is enough, sayz court.
“Leo Lech not entitled to money after police blew up his Colorado home, court rules – The Washington Post”
But now it was just a neighborhood crime scene, the suburban home where an armed Walmart shoplifting suspect randomly barricaded himself after fleeing the store …”
(…)”For 19 hours, the suspect holed up in a bathroom as a SWAT team fired gas munition and 40-millimeter rounds through the windows, drove an armored vehicle through the doors, tossed flash-bang grenades inside and used explosives…
Of course it is. #homoeopathy “fundamentally flawed”, says Britain’s NHS.
Head of NHS voices ‘serious concerns’ about homeopathy | Society | The Guardian
“In response to your current consultation, we are writing to register serious concerns about the Professional Standards Authority’s possible reaccreditation of the Society of Homeopaths,” Stevens and Powis said. “While the Society of Homeopaths may appear to meet some of the PSA’s procedural standards, the basis of their practice remains fundamentally flawed.” They added that homeopathic remedies were not scientifically validated and recommended to treat any health conditions.
Google algorithm ‘hogs’ internet traffic, researchers show
#globalchange: We really have a depressing emergency. Read the Guardian.
‘Everybody has something to lose’: the exciting, depressing life of a climate writer | Environment | The Guardian