California today: Decommissioned, uninsured and broken containments: Nuclear plants in Diablo Canyon and San Onofre

California Nightmare | Telepolis … :

Hätten sich die Beben von Ridgecrest 250 km weiter im Westen ereignet, schreibt Wasserman, wären zehn Millionen Menschen in Los Angeles möglicherweise von einer Strahlenwolke bedroht worden. Denn die beiden rissigen, versprödeten, nicht gewarteten, nicht versicherten und durch die Atomaufsicht nicht inspizierten Reaktoren von Diablo Canyon hätten ihnen kaum widerstehen können. Wasserman erinnert daran, dass Wartungsdefizite an Gas- und Elektrizitätsleitungen von PG&E bereits zu Bränden und Explosionen in Nordkalifornien geführt haben.

In Washington sieht man das anders. Trump ließ vier Sitze in der NRC mit Lobbyisten der Nuklearindustrie besetzen. Jetzt schlägt die Behörde vor, die Inspektionen von Atomanlagen generell zurückzufahren. Das laufe darauf hinaus, schreibt das Ukiah Daily Journal, dass sich Betreiber wie PG&E oder Edison selbst überwachen. Diese Deregulierung sei in Zeiten großer finanzieller Probleme der Nuklearunternehmen besonders gefährlich und fördere die Tendenz der Betreiber, Probleme gar nicht erst öffentlich werden zu lassen.

For all California Expats, here’s the direct link to a petition:

 MoveOn Petitions – Gov. Newsom, Test Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant for Safety … : 

We, the people of California, ask Governor Newsom and other state leaders to order the controversial Diablo Canyon nuclear plant tested for potential dangers involving seismic vulnerability, pressure vessel damage and nuclear waste leakage before the reactor is allowed to re-open after being shut down for refueling in February.

Oh, and in the meantime… :

The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim – Los Angeles Times … : 

This “sea level rise suppression,” as scientists call it, went largely undetected. Blinded from the consequences of a warming planet, Californians kept building right to the water’s edge. But lines in the sand are meant to shift. In the last 100 years, the sea rose less than 9 inches in California. By the end of this century, the surge could be greater than 9 feet. Wildfire and drought dominate the climate change debates in the state. Yet this less-talked-about reality has California cornered. The coastline is eroding with every tide and storm, but everything built before we knew better — Pacific Coast Highway, multimillion-dollar homes in Malibu, the rail line to San Diego — is fixed in place with nowhere to go.

… spot the problem(s)… 

Icelandic Modern Media Initiative ready to start!

IMMI finally at the cusp of implementation … :

The goal of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative in 2010 was for Iceland to take leadership in adopting the best possible laws, at any time, in order to be ahead of the digital tidal wave of disinformation eroding trust towards democratic institutions and traditional media. To be the first digital safe heaven for all the forbidden facts, to act as an inspiration for others to follow suit.

During the nine years since it’s passing, Iceland has undergone serious political crises with only one government being able to sit full term. Four governments and five Prime Ministers later, we finally have a deadline for IMMI to be fully ratified. In the first months after taking office as Prime Minister of Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdottir, announced she was committed to have all the laws finalized and put forward as governmental bills in Parliament before 2019 ends. The International Modern Media Institute was established in 2011 in order to make sure that the laws based on the IMMI resolution would be finalized no matter what political parties would be in charge. Even if the laws are not all ratified, the IMMI’s unanimous adoption by Parliament put Iceland on the top of the list of Press Freedom by Reporters Without Borders in 2010. Iceland has been sliding down since, but we are hopeful that by greatly improving fundamental laws for press freedom we will move up again. Democracy rests on the foundations of freedom of speech, expression, information and strong independent media.

In 2016, we were happy to meet Birgitta in Person… Awesome vision. Here’s a german article about her and immi: 

Missing Link: Kontrollverlust der liberalen Demokratien – Panik ist angebracht | heise online … : 

“Die Parlamentarier haben am wenigsten Macht”, kritisiert sie. Die Verwaltung, die Ministerialbürokratie seien die Zentren der Macht und trieben die Maschinerie der Gesetzgebung an. Verantwortungsvollen Politikern bliebe regelmäßig zu wenig Zeit, die kurzfristig vorgelegten Entwürfe so zu prüfen, wie sie es ihren Wählerinnen schuldig seien. Das Ergebnis sind nach Ansicht von Jonsdottir nicht nur zu viele, sondern vor allem qualitativ schlechte Gesetze. Jonsdottirs Bilanz ist bitter: Parteien wären Teil einer Religion, die Gesetzgebung sei die neue Bibel. “Das System ist selbsterhaltend”, klagt sie. “Aber es löst nicht die wichtigen Probleme, die wir lösen müssen.”

First step into parallel universes are about to be taken…

Scientists are searching for a mirror universe. It could be sitting right in front of you. … :

She calls it an “oscillation” that would lead her to “mirror matter,” but the idea is fundamentally the same. In a series of experiments she plans to run at Oak Ridge this summer, Broussard will send a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel, past a powerful magnet and into an impenetrable wall. If the setup is just right — and if the universe cooperates — some of those particles will transform into mirror-image versions of themselves, allowing them to tunnel right through the wall. And if that happens, Broussard will have uncovered the first evidence of a mirror world right alongside our own.

Fingerprinting device-tracking methods on the rise

Fingerprinting’ to Track Us Online Is on the Rise. Here’s What to Do. – The New York Times … :

With enough information gathered, fingerprinting can be very reliable. In a study last year in France, researchers found that about one-third of digital fingerprints they collected were unique and therefore identifiable. In a 2017 study, researchers at Lehigh University and Washington University tested a fingerprinting method that identified 99 percent of users.

Mayak. A nice place.

Majak-Direktor: «Kommen Sie, wir zeigen Ihnen alles.» | angeli beobachtet … :

“Q: Wir haben hier einen Bericht der russischen Atomaufsichtsbehörde, in dem steht, dass gewisse Becken mit flüssigen radioaktiven Abfällen ohne Rechtsgrundlage betrieben werden.

Das regeln wir bis Ende Jahr, dann bekommen wir auch eine Lizenz dafür. Bis heute ist die Gesetzgebung so, dass es nicht nötig war. Das ist nicht die Schuld von Majak.

Q: Das heisst, die Gesetzgebung wird angepasst.

Früher gab es in der Gesetzgebung keine Möglichkeit, so etwas zu registrieren. Jetzt gibt es diese Möglichkeit, und dann tun wir das auch. Wie kann ein Industrieuntenehmen überhaupt ein Gewässer beherrschen? Können Sie einen Ozean beherrschen? Ich wiederhole es noch einmal: Ich lade Sie ein, sich alles anzuschauen. Sie müssen das nur beantragen. Dann können Sie sich auch die Wiederaufbereitungsanlage RT-1 ansehen und die Röhre suchen, durch die angeblich radioaktive Abfälle in die Tetscha gelangen.

(Yes I know, 2010 or so.)

Online Censorship Is Coming–Here’s How to Stop It | Linux Journal

That’s important, because the concerns and beliefs of that “novel alliance” are closely aligned with those of the Free Software community. The new-found interest in hitherto obscure aspects of the online world and its software are an opportunity for the Open Source world to increase awareness of what it does, and to garner support for its activities. The potential for spreading the word is huge: over five million people signed an EU petition against upload filters, and 200,000 took to the streets to protest. Where new digital rights initiatives are set up to harness the recent mobilization of “digital natives”, free software coders can help people understand that open source is a key part of the solution to the problems they seek to address.

When AOC met GT… there’s still hope…

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez met Greta Thunberg: ‘Hope is contagious’ | Environment | The Guardian

“One is America’s youngest-ever congresswoman, the other a Swedish schoolgirl. Two of the most powerful voices on the climate speak for the first time


In the course of their conversation, Ocasio-Cortez and Thunberg discuss what it is like to be dismissed for their age, how depressed we should be about the future, and what tactics, as an activist, really work. Ocasio-Cortez speaks with her customary snap and brilliance that, held up against the general waffle of political discourse, seems startlingly direct. Thunberg, meanwhile, is phenomenally articulate, well-informed and self-assured, holding her own in conversation with an elected official nearly twice her age and speaking in deliberate, thoughtful English. They are, in some ways, as different as two campaigners can get – the politician working the system with Washington polish, and the teenager in her socks and leggings, working from her bedroom to reach the rest of the world. There is something very moving about the conversation between these young women, a sense of generational rise that, as we know from every precedent from the Renaissance onwards, has the power to ignite movements and change history.”

Spice: LShift + Ctrl + F12

You will know what I mean when you enter full screen mode on spice clients. I don’t remember how often I have googled that. It’s obviously something that I keep forgetting since I don’t need it regularly enough to remember it. #sigh. 

Malvertising. Nice term. A new wave of bad Ads is coming!

A New Wave Of Bad Ads Is Hijacking Even Top-Tier Websites … :

Malvertising, as it’s sometimes called, isn’t new. The first recorded sighting of a malware-loaded ad, in late 2007 or early 2008, stemmed from a vulnerability in Adobe Flash, and affected a number of platforms including MySpace, Excite, and Rhapsody. In 2012, the Online Trust Alliance, an industry group, estimated nearly 10 billion ad impressions were compromised by malicious ads. But those in the digital ad industry say the problem has been rapidly growing worse.

In some cases, unscrupulous advertising code even purposely displays marketing messages that users will never see, according to a report on Monday from ad security company GeoEdge. Instead, the ads hijack phones and computers to simulate mouse clicks and finger taps on the hidden ads, in order to pull in revenue from advertisers who can’t distinguish automated interactions from legitimate potential customers.

Alongside the rise in ad malware, security researchers have also recently highlighted a surge in cryptojacking—scripts and software that secretly mine cryptocurrency using website visitors’ CPUs. According to a report by Check Point this week, cryptojacking malware accounted for two of the three most widespread malware infections globally in December 2017. And, Israeli adtech firm Spotad warned recently, websites and publishers need to be prepared for this kind of malware slipping in through their sites’ ad networks.

The risk to publishers, of course, is that internet users who are fed up with malicious ads will turn increasingly to adblocking software.

Yes I did. :-\

Moosweiblein, Brotteig und Mouskounl – Fichtelgebirge

Kösseine, Jörg Braukmann, Wikipedia, CC-BY-SA

Über die Entstehung des Schurbacher Hausnamens “Mouskounl” berichtete Irene Kunz aus Waldershof. Nach der Erzählung kneteten nachts Moosweiblein den Teig für das Brot. Als neugierige Hausbewohner bemerkten, dass sie dies mit bloßen Füßen taten, baten sie die Moosweiblein doch den Teig mit den Händen zu kneten. Von diesem Tag an waren die Moosweiblein verschwunden.

Schöner Artikel hier: Schmalspurbahn und Adler aus Kösseine-Granit | Onetz … :

“Im Jahr 1890 wurde eine Schmalspurbahn von der Steinmetzhütte der Grasyma in Neusorg zum Steinbruch in Schurbach gebaut. Die Burschen aus Schurbach hatten damals viel Spaß daran, die Gleise einzufetten und der Lokomotive und dem Personal die Fahrt auf der steilen Strecke zu erschweren.”

Mehr Sagen und Geschichten aus und übers Fichtelgebirge gibt’s hier: Märchen – Sagen – Legenden über das Fichtelgebirge … :

Libra, a Cyberpunk Nightmare in the Midst of Crypto Spring

It’s an ELE, an Extinction Level Event for the old financial world order. When historians look back they may just point to this moment as the catalyst.

Are we racing towards a financial renaissance or a cyberpunk nightmare of oligarchical mega-corporations ripped from the pages of William Gibson?


In a way, Facebook just did the community a massive favor.

They’ll draw the fight away from smaller projects and Bitcoin to a more conventional enemy, a top down, hierarchical enemy. This is an enemy the state understands well. There’s nothing states love more than cutting off the “head of the snake.”