Polarization of climate change news is no hoax

“To capture politicization, the researchers looked at how often those articles mentioned Republicans, Democrats and scientists. This allowed for a comparison over time between different environmental issues. In the 1980s and 1990s, there were more mentions of scientists thanpoliticians in climate change , but this trend changed in the 2000s as politicians were cited more often.”


Bullshit is a strategy – BS in politics and ads (german)

Reality update: Interview: Schluss mit der Lügerei | ZEIT ONLINE … :

ZEIT: Ist Bullshit das Gegenteil von Wahrheit?

Frankfurt: Bullshit ist eine Technik, die Wahrheit zu verbergen. Es geht dabei gar nicht so sehr darum, ob jemand lügt oder nicht. Es geht vielmehr darum, dass jemandem, der im System des Bullshit denkt und lebt, irgendwann das Gefühl dafür abhanden kommt, dass er womöglich auch mal die Wahrheit sagen könnte. Insofern ist Bullshit schlimmer als die Lüge – weil dabei die Vorstellung von Wahrheit ganz verschwindet.

#Scientists for Future #SFF – meldet Euch bei @Sonneborn – #DIEPARTEI sucht EUCH!

Reality update: “Ich mag straff führerzentrierte Organisationen ohne Flügel und Werteunionen” | Telepolis … :

Außerdem wollen wir zu Bundestagswahl 20 Wissenschaftler aufstellen und in den Bundestag schicken. Und da beginnen wir gerade erst zu suchen …

AKK hat zuerst ihren Auftritt beim Saarbrücker Karneval und dann als Kanzlerkandidatin abgesagt. Da die CDU derzeit niemanden von Format aufbieten kann – stünden Sie als routinierter Politprofi zur Verfügung? Martin Sonneborn: Nein, die CDU ist ein zerstrittenes Auslaufmodell. Die gesellschaftliche Aufgabe, die die Christdemokraten einmal erfüllten, war es ja, die Idee einer sozialen Marktwirtschaft zu vertreten. Aber diese Position haben sie inzwischen bedenkenlos geräumt, um sie Sahra Wagenknecht zu überlassen. Außerdem: Ich mag straff führerzentrierte Organisationen ohne Flügel und Werteunionen.

Sie werden demnächst als Beobachter des EU-Parlaments zum Prozess gegen Julian Assange nach London fahren. Werden Sie den Tommys mit Ausschluss aus der EU drohen?

Martin Sonneborn: Der Prozessbeginn wird kürzer ausfallen als gedacht, ich werde also wahrscheinlich erst im Mai zur Wiederaufnahme fahren. Aber mein Büro begleitet die Vorgänge in London. Seitdem die Schweizer Seite republik.ch ein ausführliches Interview mit dem UN-Sonderbeauftragten für Folter Nils Melzer publiziert hat, geht es rund. Die Menschen verstehen allmählich, dass hier elementare Bürger- und Menschenrechte auf dem Spiel stehen, dass es eine komplette Stabsstelle der CIA gibt, die sich nur damit beschäftigt, den Namen und das öffentliche Bild von Assange negativ zu gestalten. Ich war noch nie so enttäuscht von SZ, FAZ, Spiegel, Zeit, ARD und ZDF, die ihrem gesellschaftlichen Auftrag und propagierten Selbstverständnis zuwider diesen Skandal offensiv verschwiegen haben.


Reality update: Imran Khan auf Twitter: “I tend to be cynical about the idea of Late Capitalism, but an Uber driver last night told me a story which made my jaw hit the floor. He picked me up, and apologised for the congestion. “You see all these cars, though? They’re owned by the same person”. (1/9)” / Twitter … :

“The set-up means that when these drivers complete a ride, the payment goes direct to the guy who owns the car. The driver sees precisely zero cents until they hit a monthly quota. The money’s in the owner’s account; he then transfers it once the quota’s hit.” (4/9)”

#securitytheatre Latacora – Stop Using Encrypted Email


… says:

Here’s why.


If messages can be sent in plaintext, they will be sent in plaintext.

Email is end-to-end unencrypted [1] by default. The foundations of electronic mail are plaintext. All mainstream email software expects plaintext. In meaningful ways, the Internet email system is simply designed not to be encrypted.

The clearest example of this problem is something every user of encrypted email has seen: the inevitable unencrypted reply. In any group of people exchanging encrypted emails, someone will eventually manage to reply in plaintext, usually with a quoted copy of the entire chain of email attached. This is tolerated, because most people who encrypt emails are LARPing. But in the real world, it’s an irrevocable disaster.

Sign up to stop #torture on #Assange, say the British Medics

Reality update: End torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange – The Lancet … :

Should Assange die in a UK prison, as the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has warned, he will effectively have been tortured to death. Much of that torture will have taken place in a prison medical ward, on doctors’ watch. The medical profession cannot afford to stand silently by, on the wrong side of torture and the wrong side of history, while such a travesty unfolds. In the interests of defending medical ethics, medical authority, and the human right to health, and taking a stand against torture, together we can challenge and raise awareness of the abuses detailed in our letters. Our appeals are simple: we are calling upon governments to end the torture of Assange and ensure his access to the best available health care before it is too late. Our request to others is this: please join us.

The Don made #Assange an offer that he shouldn’t have resisted…

Donald Trump ‘offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack’ | Media | The Guardian

A statement from Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson shows “Mr Rohrabacher going to see Mr Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr Assange … said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC [Democratic National Committee] leaks”, Fitzgerald told Westminster magistrates court.

1998 article on Crypto AG: The NSA’s Trojan Whore?

I dont understand all that fuzzin these days. This news is no news, almost everything about the Crypto AG stuff has been published in 1998 by Wayne Madsen, and has been uncloaked in the early nineties: 

“The cover shielding the NSA-Crypto AG relationship was torn in March 1992, when the Iranian military counterintelligence service arrested Hans Buehler, Crypto AG’s marketing representative in Teheran. The Iranian government charged the tall, 50ish businessman with spying for the “intelligence services of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America.” “I was questioned for five hours a day for nine months,” Buehler says. “

Here’s the link: 


And here’s the source reference, if you need it.

as seen in the book “Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You” by Grant R. Jeffrey (avail on Google Books) 

On Wayne Madsen – Wikipedia … :

Wayne Madsen (born April 28, 1954) is an American journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs.[1][2] He is the author of the blog Wayne Madsen Report.[3] He has been described as a conspiracy theorist.” (…)

“In 1990 Madsen joined Computer Sciences Corporation, working there from 1990 until 1997,[15] when he joined the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) as a senior fellow. In 1998, while at EPIC, Madsen was described by journalist Jason Vest in The Village Voice as one of the world’s leading SIGINT and computer security experts.[17] In late-January 2005, Madsen left EPIC.[15] While at EPIC he appeared as a guest on 60 Minutes,[18] ABC Nightline,[19] Voice of America,[20] and National Public Radio.[21]”


Dont worry, these cameras are there for your safety…

Reality update: The Rise of the Video Surveillance Industrial Complex … :

In a 2018 document, the data storage firm Western Digital and the consultancy Accenture predicted mass smart camera networks would be deployed “across three tiers of maturity.” This multi-stage adoption, they contended, would “allow society” to gradually abandon “concerns about privacy” and instead “accept and advocate” for mass police and government surveillance in the interest of “public safety.”