Another thing about the Linux shell I keep forgetting is reading input from file one line after another…

Another post to help my memory: Reading a file line by line and doing something with each line. This link has some great examples – Here’s my favorite because so simple one. It’s easy to craft it into one line of code, too. Takes your file to be processed as first parameter (“$1”).

Linux/UNIX: Bash Read a File Line By Line – nixCraft

How to Read a File Line By Line in Bash Here is more human readable syntax for you:

while IFS= read -r line
    echo “$line”
done < “$input”

Interesting Study on Self-Supervised Learing…

Ai is now learning with images of kittens, and I really like the cats, birds and moving images examples in these slides: 


The ImageNet Challenge Story … Outcomes Strong supervision:

• Features from networks trained on ImageNet can be used for other visual tasks, e.g. detection, segmentation, action recognition, fine grained visual classification

• To some extent, any visual task can be solved now by:
1. Construct a large-scale dataset labelled for that task
2. Specify a training loss and neural network architecture
3. Train the network and deploy

Brain signals translated into speech | Bioscience Today

Speech is an amazing form of communication that has evolved over thousands of years to be very efficient,” said Edward F. Chang, M.D., professor of neurological surgery at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and senior author of this study published in Nature. “Many of us take for granted how easy it is to speak, which is why losing that ability can be so devastating. It is our hope that this approach will be helpful to people whose muscles enabling audible speech are paralyzed.

Gopher needs encryption!

So in summary, I think encryption isn't super important. Gopher is great as it is and if something is good don't mangle it. But it would be nice to add encryption somehow! We should do it in a way that the community agrees on. To keep in the spirit of gopher we should figure out a simple encryption system that a normal programmer can implement in a weekend. This is totally possible to do with strong security - but this system isn't TLS.

The US of A has a huge security problem: poverty

 The United States Has a National-Security Problem—and It’s Not What You Think | The Nation … :

It’s time to rethink the American national security state with its annual trillion-dollar budget. For tens of millions of Americans, the source of deep workaday insecurity isn’t the standard roster of foreign enemies, but an ever-more entrenched system of inequality, still growing, that stacks the political deck against the least well-off Americans. They lack the bucks to hire big-time lobbyists. They can’t write lavish checks to candidates running for public office or fund PACs. They have no way of manipulating the myriad influence-generating networks that the elite uses to shape taxation and spending policies. They are up against a system in which money truly does talk—and that’s the voice they don’t have. Welcome to the United States of Inequality.

New technologies should liberate us from work – A manifesto

Fully Automated Luxury Communism – A Manifesto

In the twenty-first century, new technologies should liberate us from work. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness—for everyone. Technological advance will reduce the value of commodities—food, healthcare and housing—towards zero.

“Ein Kind spielt am Handy. Ein anderes Kind stirbt am Handy. “

 Konsumverhalten: Bitte, bitte mehr Verbote! | ZEIT ONLINE … :

Ein paar Menschen kaufen alternative Produkte, die fairer produziert werden. Der Rest ist geil auf die neueste Version von irgendwas. Die Kinder derweil schaufeln wie verrückt weiter. Das ist das 21. Jahrhundert.

Gleichzeitig wird jeder Versuch einer Organisation oder einer Partei, die versucht, diesen exorbitant obszönen Konsum und die dafür erforderlichen Produktionsbedingung zu regulieren, skandalisiert. Verbotspartei heißt es seit einigen Jahren, sobald jemand versucht, etwas zu verändern.

Egal ob Veggie Day, Amazon-Retourenvernichtungsverbot, das Kastrieren unbetäubter Tiere, CO2-Steuer oder was auch immer; es schreien die politischen Kommentatoren auf: “Verbot, Verbot!” Man müsste entgegnen: Ja klar, Verbote. Was denn sonst? Es braucht nicht weniger Regulierung, sondern mehr. Bitte, bitte noch mehr Verbote! Und bei Grenzübertritt fette Strafzahlungen. Geld ist die einzige Sprache, die Konzerne verstehen.

Warum? Na weil freiwillige Selbstverpflichtungen nicht nur nicht funktionieren (ist ja offensichtlich), sondern auch beweisbar kontraproduktiv sind.

Right-Wing populists as “Revenge of places that don’t matter”

The revenge of the places that don’t matter | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal … :

Persistent poverty, economic decay and lack of opportunities cause discontent in declining regions, while policymakers reason that successful agglomeration economies drive economic dynamism, and that regeneration has failed. This column argues that this disconnect has led many of these ‘places that don’t matter’ to revolt in a wave of political populism with strong territorial, rather than social, foundations. Better territorial development policies are needed that tap potential and provide opportunities to those people living in the places that ‘don’t matter’.


Auto war gestern. PS sind so Dinosaurier.

 Vollbremsung | Telepolis … :

4. Es gibt 13 Autokonzerne, die die globale Verkehrspolitik beherrschen. Das Kartell und die Regierung betrügen uns bei den Kfz hinten und vorne. Die Menschen trauen der Autoindustrie inzwischen alles zu.

Who is this Spectre? Zuckerberg reveals…

This Deepfake of Mark Zuckerberg Tests Facebook’s Fake Video Policies – VICE … :

“Imagine this for a second: One man, with total control of billions of people’s stolen data, all their secrets, their lives, their futures,” Zuckerberg’s likeness says, in the video. “I owe it all to Spectre. Spectre showed me that whoever controls the data, controls the future.”

… there’s more, including Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump…

Spoiler: This is Spectre: