Cryptojacking. How Hackers use your browser for Crypto-Currency Mining

Reality update: [1803.02887v1] A first look at browser-based Cryptojacking …:

In this paper, we examine the recent trend towards in-browser mining of cryptocurrencies; in particular, the mining of Monero through Coinhive and similar code- bases. In this model, a user visiting a website will download a JavaScript code that executes client-side in her browser, mines a cryptocurrency, typically without her consent or knowledge, and pays out the seigniorage to the website.

A german university claims there’s child pornography in bitcoin’s blockchain

Looks like Child abuse imagery found within bitcoin’s blockchain | Technology | The Guardian is a good read …

“Researchers from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany found that around 1,600 files were currently stored in bitcoin’s blockchain. Of the files least eight were of sexual content, including one thought to be an image of child abuse and two that contain 274 links to child abuse content, 142 of which link to dark web services.”

Apple: Clean Cobalt – BMW: Certified Clean Cobalt with Blockchain!

The interesting thing about this story (thanks to Fefe!) is not that BMW is using Blockchain now. And it’s not that they go for Cobalt from Congo for their batteries. That all makes perfect sense, given that you want to prove with a probably unhackable certificate story that your Kobalt mining activities do not harm locals or the environment. No, the really interesting part of the story is: BMW and Apple are now competitors. Yep, read that again.

90+ % pure Cobalt

(Alchemist-hp (talk) (, Pure (99%+) Cobalt, Wikimedia)

They used to be alliance friends, partners and we may remember iDrive and similar naming stuff – and the fact that you could only attach your iPhone to the BMW in a reasonable way. Now there’s Samsung-only keyless features for BMWs and Apple cars out there. Since Apple is investigating its capabilities in the electric, autonomous driving market, they more and more become a competitor to BMW.

At least when it’s about batteries and the much needed Cobalt ressources. These are mostly available in Africa, in Congo (80% says the article), and customers are very well aware by now of the blood diamonds and similar painful stories of exploitation.

So only a few days after Apple announced “that it will be negotiating directly with miners“, BMW’s partner Circulor steps in and snarkily comments “We believe it makes economic sense to start with sources that aren’t a problem” and:

… the trial of their blockchain supply chain solution allows supplying of a barcode to what is known as clean cobalt”, ie. cobalt that has been ethically sourced, and adds the key destinations of its trip to a ledger on their blockchain solution. Apart from proving the source of the cobalt and providing a record for it, the solution will likely also bring down regulatory compliance costs.

Hosting Open! 2016 Blockchain panel

Transparent geblockt

Just found these pictures from hosting a panel on Blockchain at the Open Source Business Alliance’s 2016 Open IT! Konferenz,  moderating the OSBAR Award ceremony and the corresponding article on blockchain in enterprise (written for the OSBA/MFG) called “transparently blocked”, unfortunately only available in German: Transparent geblockt :

Am 7. Dezember [2016] treffen sich Experten aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und IT, um bei der OPEN! 2016 zu (er)klären, ob die Blockchain Hype oder ein echter Game-Changer ist, welche Rolle Verschlüsselung und Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke dabei spielen und warum immer mehr Branchen der Meinung sind, die Kette aus verschlüsselten Informations-Blöcken lasse sich für neue und alte Geschäftsmodelle gewinnbringend einsetzen.

More Pictures from the conference can be found here.