Old milk is dead, new milk is nuts. #Murica

Reality update: America’s Biggest Milk Producers Are Going Bankrupt | Food & Wine … :

Maybe this isn’t a bad time to start exploring plant-based milks, as Elmhurst Dairy did. The 80-year-old milk producer closed its Queens, New York facility in the summer of 2016, and then reopened less than a year later after switching its focus from cow’s milk to what it calls “milked” nuts. The company is now known as Elmhurst Milked, and it sells a variety of plant- and nut-based milks, including plain and flavored oat milk, hemp creamers, and almond, cashew, hazelnut, and walnut milks.

What if #Trump’s #waroniran only is meant to …

… divert our attention from Australia and the #climatecatastrophy? People waking up to the horror is the worst thing that could possibly happen to most of his sponsors… unless they really want to start the apocalypse now, full-featured and thus they are glad their president is attacking their Satan.

Big oil, evangelists and arms manufacturers. Well who of them would not benefit from war and climate horror?
This is the recent video that made me think about this from a different angle. It’s after the Iran attack from Jan 3, 2020 : 



#australiaburning as a role model to learn from

Reality update: Falling ash, skies of blood – and now Australia’s anger smoulders | Australia news | The Guardian … :

The past week has been marked by the refusal of public officials, including PM Scott Morrison, to recognise the scale of the crisis

Look at it, closely. The #pyrocene is coming to your home, too, soon. Come closer, look at what’s happening in Australia now, after the fire. It’s already starting. Remember Katrina? What happened after the hurricane? I hope we don’t see that in Australia, but we will eventually see such uproar and stuff more and more. Honestly, I don’t see any way of avoiding it, no politicalopportunity to stop it. Not anymore. Wired puts it like this:

“If you want to gaze into the hellish future of human existence on Earth, look to Australia. Huge bushfires have torched 14.5 million acres since September, killing at least 18. Vast plumes of smoke are pouring into major cities along the east coast, imposing a dire respiratory health hazard on millions of people. And Australia’s fire season is just getting started.

For Californians, the scenes are familiar. The same cabal of factors, including climate change and land management, is conspiring to produce bigger wildfires that consume more land and kill more people. We have entered the age of embers—think of it like an ice age, but with flames, what fire historian Stephen Pyne calls the Pyrocene.”


#Raspion: Raspberry Pi gegen “smart devices” spionage

Reality update: Gegenspionage im Heimnetz: So enttarnen Sie Datenschleudern mit dem Raspberry Pi | heise online … :

Der zum Schnüffler umgebaute Raspberry Pi alias c’t-Raspion klinkt sich dafür in den Datenstrom ein und visualisiert ihn. Er spannt ein separates WLAN auf, mit dem Sie die zu beobachtenden Geräte verbinden. Sie brauchen dafür nur einen Raspberry Pi 3 oder 4. Den schließen Sie per Kabel an Ihr bestehendes Netz an, über das er den Geräten dann Zugang zum Internet gewährt (“Uplink”). Somit kann der c’t-Raspion den gesamten Netzwerkverkehr zwischen den zu beobachteten Geräten und dem Internet sehen – er arbeitet letztlich wie ein Router.

In diesem Artikel führen wir durch die simple Installation der Raspion-Erweiterung und stellen die Fähigkeiten der vorinstallierten Werkzeuge vor. Dazu erläutern wir den Aufbau des Systems und wo Sie noch Hand anlegen können. Welche schmutzigen Details wir so gefunden haben und Beispiele zur Vorgehensweise finden Sie in einem weiteren Artikel zu Datenschleudern wie IP-Kameras, Smart-TVs und WLAN-Steckdosen.

#Australiaburning – the biggest human caused fire ever – compare the size

And again it’s the Guardian that has made a great tool to show how bad it really is. Boys, girls, this is gonna come to your place, too. Sooner or later, one way or the other. This is crazy. Happy new decade, to all of you. It could be so easy: No flights, no beef, less kids. Everyone can help. Here’s the current size of the fires compared to Regensburg, Southern Germany: 



#safepasswords – Guess I told you so some years ago…

A good read, but not much new if you kept reading my writings… 🙂 

Get yourself cybersecure for 2020


With ever more tech in our lives, our data is vulnerable. Here are our six top tips to keep it safe in the new year

Random and unique passwords A study carried out by the Ponemon Institute found that 51% of individuals in the UK reuse an average of five passwords across different sites and services.

Random and unique passwords A study carried out by the Ponemon Institute found that 51% of individuals in the UK reuse an average of five passwords across different sites and services.”


#Ziryab, die Amsel von Cordoba – ein Influencer des Mittelalters

Ziryab – der Kulturrevolutionär – Bazar andalus

Seine Neuerungen der vornehmen Lebensart und Kultur wurden aufgrund ihrer praktischen Vorteile und Ästhetik sehr rasch von Adel und Bevölkerung übernommen und bald auch bis in die Herrscherhäuser der christlichen europäischen Länder übermittelt. Auch seine Art, sich zu kleiden fand schnell Nachahmer. Ziryab kleidete sich je nach Jahreszeit unterschiedlich. Er legte fest, dass man sich von Mai bis September in Weiß kleidete und die Stoffe mit dunklen und bunten Farben sowie die Lederkleidung den Wintermonaten vorbehalten seien.Dank Ziryab legte man in Córdoba nun auch Wert auf gepflegtes Haar, manikürte Fingernägel und weiche, zarte Haut. In al-Andalus führte er auch das Schachspiel und das Polospiel ein.

#x2x #demomode #remotecontrol – Send Commands to Multiple Desktops with x2x

SEELAB has a nice description of how a good old Unix Tool can help to control e.g. multiple IoT devices over an encrypted line: 

If you would like to send input to more than one computer at a time, use the ‘-shadow ’ option. This can be used multiple times. Here is an example that routes input to boba142 and all 9 powerwall machines:


 ~/bin/x2x -from $LOCALDISPLAY -to boba142:0 \

 -shadow boba231:0 -shadow boba211:0 -shadow boba121:0 \

 -shadow boba141:0 -shadow boba131:0 -shadow boba111:0 \

 -shadow boba232:0 -shadow boba212:0 -shadow boba122:0 \

 -geometry 400×400


Hint: SEELAB claims “left and right mouseclick to leave” the tiny x2x window – on my machine it’s actually left, right _and_ middle mouse button. But I prefer to use the north/south/east/west options anyhow. 

Question: Why do I have areas on the target system that aren’t accessible? There’s a big rectangular space on the top right of my target screen where the x2x-driven mouse pointer can’t go – whereas the local mouse supports it…? 

#securitytheatre #bicyclehelmets – Where you really should wear a helmet:

Posting it again, because this topic has been hovering around and over my security theater talk for ages. It’s such a great typical example for why and when humans cannot assess dangers correctly. Here’s the facts.

A Guide To Head Injury Compensation Claims – How Much Can I Claim? – Accident Claims

The head and brain injury charity Headway has produced some statistics on the prevalence of head injuries in the UK. Some of the headline facts are as follows: In 2013/14 a total of 348,934 people were admitted to hospital with an acquired brain injury. That equates to an injury every 90 seconds across the country. Over the same period, a total of 162,544 people were admitted to hospitals for a head injury. This equated to one every three minutes. Whilst men are 1.6 times more likely to suffer a head injury, the number of women experiencing them has risen by 24% of the previous decade.

Here you can see the real dangers for your head: