Libra, a Cyberpunk Nightmare in the Midst of Crypto Spring

It’s an ELE, an Extinction Level Event for the old financial world order. When historians look back they may just point to this moment as the catalyst.

Are we racing towards a financial renaissance or a cyberpunk nightmare of oligarchical mega-corporations ripped from the pages of William Gibson?


In a way, Facebook just did the community a massive favor.

They’ll draw the fight away from smaller projects and Bitcoin to a more conventional enemy, a top down, hierarchical enemy. This is an enemy the state understands well. There’s nothing states love more than cutting off the “head of the snake.”

Bringing big tech to heel: how do we take back control of the internet? | World news | The Guardian

So true, and I am happy that I was allowed to partially witness that in Brussels. Its the right way to go, and others will follow

The project will reference the world-leadingGlobal Data Protection Regulation developed by the European Union. Under the regulation, the idea that you control your data footprint has been accepted and embedded with privacy protocols placing enforceable rules on how corporations harvest and then monetise personal information. Protections include the right to be unknown and the right to be able to delete your personal records from a business that is holding them. It also includes rights for portability of data allowing, for instance, a user to take their data with them when they change banks, obligations on a business to delete a customer’s records when the customer takes their business elsewhere, as well as stringent data-handling protocols. Adopting these principles in Australia would be a significant step towards taking responsibility for the way the digital economy affects our privacy.”

Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain!

 5 Blockchain Breakthroughs Coming in the Next 5 Years … :

In the next five years, Pulier predicts five blockchain trends, each poised to disrupt major players and birth entirely new business models by 2024. Let’s dive in.:

  1. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  2. Security tokens
  3. Tokenized assets
  4. Self-sovereign identity
  5. Free speech

And at the broader societal level, blockchains will catalyze a sweeping shift away from hierarchical structures towards democratized networks at larger scales than ever before experienced by humankind. A next-generation tool capable of maintaining trust in large populations, blockchain will define a brand new order.”

I love to read articles void of busswords. 🙂 And I am tense what will come true. 

CSU fordert freien Reiseverkehr in Europa …

Autofahrt nach Italien: Tirol sperrt Landstraßen für Urlauber – SPIEGEL ONLINE … :

Bayerns Staatsregierung reagierte mit Empörung und Unverständnis auf die Ankündigung. “Das Tiroler Verhalten ist unsäglich und reine Schikane”, sagte Verkehrsminister Hans Reichhart (CSU). Außerdem sei das Verhalten des Nachbarlandes rechtswidrig. “Ich erwarte, dass die EU-Kommission dieses Verhalten sehr schnell unterbindet und für freien Reiseverkehr in Europa sorgt.”

Äh… das ist doch die CSU, die die deutschen Autofahrer an den Grenzen schikaniert auf Kosten der eh schon überstundenüberlasteten Polizisten? Die, die nur auf Autobahnen und nur tagsüber kontrollieren, und die die gerade eben die Ausländermaut krachend verloren haben? Freie Fahrt? Hä?

Facebook, Cognizant and modern slavery.

 Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions – The Verge … :

Utley worked the overnight shift at a Facebook content moderation site in Tampa, FL, operated by a professional services vendor named Cognizant. The 800 or so workers there face relentless pressure from their bosses to better enforce the social network’s community standards, which receive near-daily updates that leave its contractor workforce in a perpetual state of uncertainty. The Tampa site has routinely failed to meet the 98 percent “accuracy” target set by Facebook. In fact, with a score that has been hovering around 92, it is Facebook’s worst-performing site in North America.

Things and … things. Described. Little things, indeed

Reality update: Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description … :

A Thing Description describes the metadata and interfaces of Things, where a Thing is an abstraction of a physical or virtual entity that provides interactions to and participates in the Web of Things. Thing Descriptions provide a set of interactions based on a small vocabulary that makes it possible both to integrate diverse devices and to allow diverse applications to interoperate.

Shutting down old wordpress blog…

Markus Feilner’s Blog | Linux, Open Source, Books – and perhaps helpful hints here and there… … :

Hello dear Followers, this Blog has moved. After 20 years (sic!, see first post from 1999) I decided to move to a self-hosted WP instance on I’ve been adding content there since a few years, after testing it thoroughly, I guess it works. 🙂 Here’s the screenshots, sort of like a backup for my self. Made with Screencapture tools on Firefox and Chrome. I’ve got the HTML, too, and that will end up here, too, once I find the time. 🙂

Nuclear, horses and Dabbelju

 Language wars: the 19 greatest linguistic spats of all time | Science | The Guardian … :

‘Nucular’ war The fact that we used to make fun of George W Bush for his malapropisms seems quaint these days. But it was worrying to many of us at the time that the man in charge of the world’s most powerful nuclear arsenal didn’t seem to be able to pronounce it right. He said “nucular” and it was one more black mark against his intelligence. But this syllable-flip is in fact a fairly common linguistic process called metathesis. All English speakers live with the results of historic metatheses that caught on: horse used to be “hros” and bird used to be “brid”.

Ja, über die Bahn wettern ist einfach…

Studie zur Bahn-Infrastruktur: Wenig Geld für deutsche Schienen | … :

“Deutschland gibt laut einer Untersuchung deutlich weniger Geld für die Bahn-Infrastruktur aus als andere europäische Staaten.”

Vergleicht man die Investitionen für Straße und Schiene, gibt Deutschland mehr Geld für die Autobahnen und Co. aus. 2018 lagen die Investitionen in Erhalt, Neu- und Ausbau für die Schiene bei 45,3 Prozent, während in Straßen 54,7 Prozent flossen. In der Schweiz und Österreich übertreffen dagegen die Schieneninvestitionen die in die Straße. “Deutlicher kann man nicht machen, dass Deutschland dem Klimaschutz im Verkehr noch immer keine Priorität einräumt”, so Flege.”


Open Source has won. Großartiger Artikel.

 Am Anfang war der Quellcode | Swissquote … :

Als an einem schönen Tag im Jahr 1980 der neue Xerox-Drucker des Labors für künstliche Intelligenz am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) den x – ten Papierstau meldete, glaubt der 27 Jahre junge Programmierer Richard Stallman, das Problem so lösen zu können, wie er es immer getan hat: durch eine direkte Veränderung des Maschinencodes.

Und hier eine 30 Seiten lange Studie zum Thema: “WARUM OPEN SOURCE SCHON GEWONNEN HAT”