Krypto-pr – Do you Legally “own” with Bitcoin?

Things I read…: ” Short introduction to krypto-property by Preston Byrne”

Wrapping up, the reason that the matter of Bitcoin’s ultimate classification as property hasn’t come up yet is because, in common practice, ownership  disputes are resolved at a higher conceptual level than inquiring about the “nature of a bitcoin itself” – when I deposit coins at an exchange, e.g., it ought to be pretty clear from the exchange’s TOS that if I have a balance on the exchange, I can ask the exchange to spend an amount equal to that balance back to me on request and, if they fail to do so, I can ask a court to force the exchange to render specific performance or pay damages. A dispute of that kind, of which there have been many, doesn’t ask at what point title transferred and what the fundamental nature of that title is, because it doesn’t have to. It looks instead at the contractual obligations between the counterparties and whether those obligations were satisfactorily performed.

One could write chapter and verse comparing these two jurisdictions and their treatment of Bitcoin as an asset. That said, it’s a Friday night and I have places to be, so for now it will have to suffice to say only that the question has no answer and at some point, probably sooner rather than later, there is going to be a case that explores these fundamental issues (I am frankly shocked that Oxford v. Moss hasn’t been raised yet in any of the UK-based Bitcoin fraud prosecutions).

I look forward to reading those decisions.”

Cryptojacking. How Hackers use your browser for Crypto-Currency Mining

Reality update: [1803.02887v1] A first look at browser-based Cryptojacking …:

In this paper, we examine the recent trend towards in-browser mining of cryptocurrencies; in particular, the mining of Monero through Coinhive and similar code- bases. In this model, a user visiting a website will download a JavaScript code that executes client-side in her browser, mines a cryptocurrency, typically without her consent or knowledge, and pays out the seigniorage to the website.

A german university claims there’s child pornography in bitcoin’s blockchain

Looks like Child abuse imagery found within bitcoin’s blockchain | Technology | The Guardian is a good read …

“Researchers from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany found that around 1,600 files were currently stored in bitcoin’s blockchain. Of the files least eight were of sexual content, including one thought to be an image of child abuse and two that contain 274 links to child abuse content, 142 of which link to dark web services.”

Hosting Open! 2016 Blockchain panel

Transparent geblockt

Just found these pictures from hosting a panel on Blockchain at the Open Source Business Alliance’s 2016 Open IT! Konferenz,  moderating the OSBAR Award ceremony and the corresponding article on blockchain in enterprise (written for the OSBA/MFG) called “transparently blocked”, unfortunately only available in German: Transparent geblockt :

Am 7. Dezember [2016] treffen sich Experten aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und IT, um bei der OPEN! 2016 zu (er)klären, ob die Blockchain Hype oder ein echter Game-Changer ist, welche Rolle Verschlüsselung und Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke dabei spielen und warum immer mehr Branchen der Meinung sind, die Kette aus verschlüsselten Informations-Blöcken lasse sich für neue und alte Geschäftsmodelle gewinnbringend einsetzen.

More Pictures from the conference can be found here.